Sunday, 10 December 2006

Nokia N95's Integrated with VOX and Flickr

Hey Shorty,wanna post your videos and photos while you at it.
Here's the thing The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.:
Nokia N95 is claimed by some brothers as the best smartphone ever. It has a five million megapixel digital camera and DVD style video quality. Best of all it's tightly integrated with Video Blog System VOX and Photo Sharing joint Flickr. This brother will show you hand by hand how to do video blogging and photo blogging with VOX and Flickr while you taking pictures and videos using Nokia N95 on the fly. Messing with Boos is fun, yo:

Point taken One:How Nokia N95 uploads photos,mp3, and videos to VOX

Point Taken Two:How to send photos from your N95 straight to Flickr