Saturday, 30 June 2007

O2 Xda nova/HTC Touch Review:: Things to consider Pros and Cons

HTC caught some attraction when the Taiwanese device maker announced the HTC Touch earlier this month for some good reasons - with the HTC Touch; HTC introduced the TouchFLO technology to their Windows Mobile device platform and I'm sure most of you have read everything about TouchFLO and the HTC Touch already. Nevertheless, since O2 brings up the Xda nova on sale from tomorrow, it makes sense to have a closer look on both devices again, identifying the similarities as well as the differences.

Both, the HTC Touch and the O2 Xda nova are based on HTC's Elf reference design platform and with the Elf, HTC tried to create a simple to use but stylish device to attract the consumer market better. Therefore the Touch/nova misses some of the latest but greatest technologies while on the other hand it sports new features. The HTC Elf platform is powered by Microsoft's latest Windows Mobile version - 6.0 Professional which means it's a smartphone. Both devices supports GSM/GPRS/EDGE at 90/1800/1900 MHz while 850 MHZ is left. This is pretty unusual for HTC devices, were all the latest devices quadband GSM. Nevertheless, leaving 850 MHz makes the device cheaper in production and therefore it's cheaper on sale. Also left is UMTS, not to talk about HSDPA but this isn't a big problem today - not for the segment HTC and the carriers try to target with the Touch. On the other hand, the Touch/nova features Bluetooth 2.0 and WiFi b/g which makes it a mobile broadband connected device anyway - as long as a HotSpot is in range. Powered by a TI OMAP850 CPU at 201 MHz, the Touch/nova includes 128 MB ROM and 64 MB DDR RAM and both - HTC and O2 Germany are giving a free 1 GB microSD card with their versions of the HTC Elf.

On the back, the device features a 2 megapixel CMOS fixed focus camera for photo and video recording. And at a compact size of 99.9 mm x 58 mm x 13.9 mm the HTC Touch/O2 Xda nova weights 112 g only.

While the O2 and HTC designs are pretty similar, they have their differences. For instance O2 Germany decided to give the Xda nova housing a high gloss black finishing while HTC has given the HTC Touch a soft-touch like finishing:

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Another difference,...........................

Read the full comprehensive review after the jump»

Marquess "Vayamos Companeros" Rapidshare Musik Bildschirm

29.06.2007 No.2 Single Deutschland Media Control Top 100 Singles

Marquess - Vayamos Companeros Lyrics

Mis amigos, hemos empezado
El verano con buen pie
Empezaremos una nueva cosa
Porque lo hemos pasado bomba

Vayamos compañeros
Hay una nueva música en la ciudad
Salta salta
Tenemos los momentos
Por la mañana todas cosas se acaban
Salta salta
Vayamos compañeros


Por las buenas o por las malas
Tenemos gracias en las muradas
Empezaremos una nueva cosa
Porque lo hemos pasado bomba

Vayamos compañeros
Hay una nueva música en la ciudad
Salta salta
Tenemos los momentos
Por la mañana todas cosas se acaban
Salta salta
Vayamos compañeros
Hay una nueva música en la ciudad
Salta salta
Tenemos los momentos
Hasta la otra vez

Con el corazón en la mano
Hemos puedado pasar un buen rato
En la flor de la edad

Buenos amigos unidos
Estamos felices
Estamos juntos
Estamos felices
Amigos unidos

Vayamos compañeros
Tenemos los momentos
Vayamos compañeros
Hay una nueva música en la ciudad
Salta salta
Tenemos los momentos
Por la mañana todas cosas se acaban
Salta salta
Vayamos compañeros
Hay una nueva música en la ciudad
Salta salta
Tenemos los momentos
Hasta la otra vez
Vayamos compañeros


Thursday, 28 June 2007

Big Brother 2006 Imogen Thomas Sex Tape Rapidshare

Night Club is crowded
You tits blocking the traffic
Pussy damn so tight
I'm trying to drive my dick through your blockage
Pussy you know you're sucking at it by the end of the night
You know nigger my game is your type
Let me measure your cup size
D plus for sure
Plenty to drink and you don't throw my dice
stop teasing my cock
That shit's dangerous like a starving nigger
Imogen Baby nigger wanna suck your tits yummy yummy go all night
you know a nigger like me can throw your g spot up to cloud 9
Be real you know where I am at
put your legs up over my shoulder
If I drill I drill you right
Fuck those niggers wasting hole's time
hole like this needs a platinum tyre
I am grabbing your tits
maybe too tight baby you can slap my cock if you feel it's right
Put that junk between those boobs
Baby when I feed you I feed you right
Your ass's fine too
so fine that I wanna call ya mummy
Feel better than the seats in my porsche
Imogen Baby nigger wanna suck your tits yummy yummy go all night
I'm gonna ride it till sun rise and die
pussy you're so tight
so tight
almost killing my Durex orange favour
Pussy you're so tight
so tight
I'm gonna suck it like this suck like this every day and night
Imogen Baby nigger wanna suck your tits yummy yummy go all night
2007@ArKnZ the horny rapper
Bashing me with beer cans if you dig my shit

Lara Croft Sex Tape

Night Club is crowded
You tits blocking the traffic
Pussy damn so tight
I'm trying to drive my dick through your blockage
Pussy you know you're sucking at it by the end of the night
You know nigger my game is your type
Let me measure your cup size
D plus for sure
Plenty to drink and you don't throw my dice
stop teasing my cock
That shit's dangerous like a starving nigger
Lara Croft nigger wanna suck your tits yummy yummy go all night
you know a nigger like me can throw your g spot up to cloud 9
Be real you know where I am at
put your legs up over my shoulder
If I drill I drill you right
Fuck those niggers wasting hole's time
hole like this needs a platinum tyre
I am grabbing your tits
maybe too tight baby you can slap my cock if you feel it's right
Put that junk between those boobs
Baby when I feed you I feed you right
Your ass's fine too
so fine that I wanna call ya mummy
Feel better than the seats in my porsche
Lara Croft nigger wanna suck your tits yummy yummy go all night
I'm gonna ride it till sun rise and die
pussy you're so tight
so tight
almost killing my Durex orange favour
Pussy you're so tight
so tight
I'm gonna suck it like this suck like this every day and night
Lara Croft nigger wanna suck your tits yummy yummy go all night
2007@ArKnZ the horny rapper
Bashing me with beer cans if you dig my shit

Keeley Hazel Sex Tape


方力申"在你遙遠的附近" Rapidshare Music Video

Alex Fong "In Your Distant Vicinity" Rapidshare Music Video

Fong, Alex 方力申 - 在你遙遠的附近


歌手:方力申 | 作曲:雷頌德
填詞:林夕 | 編曲:Ted Lo

當 知道近期 抑鬱的你 給那一個人當後備
從來也未 咬著牙關生氣
難道你 錯愛他到沒救藥餘地

心 飛到舊地 想起跟你 別離亦沒那麼傷悲
仍然妒忌 但仍然關心你 無奈我 約你總要避

太上心 曾經與你散步過幾公分 就算一公分
相差千里也勝過別人 如何令我不擔心

*傻到 要住到你的新居附近
看著你 凌晨還何以未關燈
若這刻 你那手機微震 是否可感到我體溫

和你 遠或近仍像終身情人
往事遠 記憶近 我仍然未死心
難甘心 遙望你被人熱吻

當 知你後來 跟他恩愛 突然明白我的悲哀
無論遠近 共時光怎比賽 難道我 與你未分開

Repeat *

仍緊隨你喜與悲 我問良心未算分離
仍如他和我可以比 我為何 敢為你生氣

Repeat *

仍緊隨你喜與悲 我問良心未算分離
仍如他和我可以比 我為何 敢為你生氣

除非流失幾世紀 縱隔著他未算疏離
離開才不捨不棄 跟你面對 卻沒法親你
這樣近卻像隔千里 你有事 我定會找你

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

何韻詩aka Denise Ho"幽默感" Rapidshare MV

No.2 Hong Kong RTHK Pop Chart 2007-06-23 to 23-29/6/2007 Year2007

陳冠希 aka Edison Chen"讓我再次介紹我自己" Rapidshare "記得我嗎?" MV

No.1 China Mandarin Pop Chart Week 24 Year2007

讓我再次介紹我自己 | 陳冠希

East Asia



從率先派台的主打《記得我嗎?》唱起,配以一口京片子反覆提問記得我嗎,效果對不少人來說卻是驚腔,跟近年大量以西樂為體、中樂為用的流行曲比照, 一樣是空有百家布的拼貼而縫不及衣裡,嚴格來說,我寧願相信DJ Tommy並未交足功課而非技窮的表現。而為了大家記得,Edison一邊說唱一邊提及他的躍進、他的成功、他的得意,由「時裝品牌歸我.潮流聽我」到 「幫Levis做設計」,進軍荷里活等等,有目共睹的佳績實在叫人喝采,但是想不到在“讓我再次介紹我自己”的《記得我嗎?》打後,還是介紹和介紹。

除了「冒牌老千」、「爸爸還疼我們別難過」這些耐人尋味遐想聯翩的詞句之外,十首歌裡面,好萊塢拍戲及自家品牌CLOT便各自出現四次,新遊戲新規 則之下,有自己的媒體公司,Nike總部跟他談協議計劃,時裝音樂在全球發行之類,重複又重複,是為了大家記得,在一篇篇赤裸裸剖開生活及想法,彷彿血淋 淋的自白書之中,Edison不再是「愛慕虛榮.思想淺薄超白痴」,所以大家也該「非主流.別想聽芭樂.這是冠希在叫你醒醒吧」,來吧,跟他一樣走在名氣 世界裡頭,充滿潮流符號的生活裡頭,難道你不會感嘆一下,像麥浚龍一樣有錢真好,像陳冠希一樣有名真好。


外來幫。聲勢浩大的《拳頭》和《Act Like U Know》由The Beastie Boys、Jay-Z、Usher的音樂製作人Just Blaze 操刀,Drum Beat下下鏗鏘有力,頗為重型的街頭Hip Hop算是中文樂壇的新鮮。《淚》的灰沉壓抑則出自玩Mixtape出名的Clinton Sparks,氣氛低迴。東京的DJ Muro作了Clubbing小品《凌晨1:37》,有胡蓓蔚作featuring,酒過三巡的鬆弛,很捧。守後的是「我願意做你的按摩椅」的情歌《My Baby》,和寫給「懷疑如我的老爸」的感嘆《又一年》。全張專輯最富魅力的兩曲,蕩漾著Kanye West溫柔的浪漫,特別在後者Chorus女聲滿有Soul味的弛放,揉合Edison假音的發揮,百聽不厭的大器之作。


忽然,無法想像一個沒有人前呼後擁的陳冠希,單有一臉俊朗的話,我們又會記得他嗎?為什麼開首我說陳冠希又記得大家嗎?因為在【讓我再次介紹我自己】裡面,我只聽到陳冠希巨大的自我在咆哮。其實,始於去年初在其網誌上讀了,他對世貿之後一連串示威的 反應 之後,我明白,他的嘻哈世界,他的音樂的根源,畢竟是跟大眾無關的,只是一個眼裡只有自己的人在碎碎念。當我近日在明報 忽週 再度讀到他在愛心Bearbrick拍賣會的狂言,什麼「小心啲呀!十幾萬一隻(公仔),你賠唔起!」。友人說因為他是有錢仔,我卻傾向認為跟品格有關。陳冠希,無須再多介紹,已經是如此的難以忘記。



01 記得我嗎? MV
02 拳頭
03 Act Like U Know (Featuring Just Blaze)
04 精神分裂 (Featuring 陳奐仁)
05 淚 (Featuring 陳奐仁)
06 是我
0 07 凌晨1:37 (Featuring 胡蓓蔚)
0 08 My Baby
0 09 又一年
0 10 不可能 (Featuring 陳奐仁)

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Billboard Hot 100 Top 10 Singles Music Videos 2007-06-30

Natasha Bedingfield "I Want to Have Your Babies" Rapidshare Music Video

Hello! I'm Natasha Bedingfield. You may remember me from such seminal clean-cut'n'catchy pop classics as These Words (I Love You), breakthrough US smash Unwritten, and... Um... Hello! I'm Natasha Bedingfield! I've got a brother!

Anyway. I'm here to explain to you the story behind my new chart-busting hit, I Want To Have Your Babies. I know you might have thought that with such a very obvious, cringeworthingly girly title, it might secretly be about world peace, or the emancipation of women, or the vital importance of reducing carbon emissions in the developing world, but it's not! It's REALLY about babies! Yeah!

Here's a baby!

Pickard boy in the bubble

Let's get into this video, yeah? Well, thing is, I know that I've got quite the reputation for being this very clean-cut, straight-toothed, good Christian girl, and that's great and things, but my manager felt that maybe we should be reaching into other markets, and, you know, "sexing it up a bit".

So I thought "Yeah!", yeah? And as the bible says, sex between two people within the bounds of marriage is a great thing, as long as it leads to procreation! Babies! And this gave me a great idea. So, anyway, I was in the gym...

Pickard gymbunny

And I was having this great one-on-one session with my trainer Pablo, right? And he was touching me in ways that were really quite intimate, like on the knees and things? And we all know what boys and girls touching each other quite intimately can lead to, yeah? Yeah, holding hands. And that was it, he touched my hand, and the magic sparkle happened and I was pregnant!

So flash forward a few months after we held hands, and of course the baby's arrived - and she's gorgeous, and we're walking in the park.

Pickard parky

And, suddenly, he runs off! I know! Well, in all the subsequent mediated and supervised meetings, his story was something along the lines of suddenly coming to, not remembering who or where he was, hearing a piercing noise squeaking about babies springing up like daisies and just knowing that he had to save himself, and his sperm.

Pickard run while you still can

But I didn't care very much when he ran away, because I've got little Pablette, yeah? And she's going to grow up to be a singer-songwriter. Yes, she is. She's going to grow up fit and strong, with perfect teeth and the ability to write a damn catchy hook, right? Because she's a Bedingfield, you understand? A BEDINGFIELD.

Ahem. Anyway, by then, I'd met Lorenzo. He was my new tennis coach. And though he didn't know it, I was going to inveigle him into the biblically condoned, Bedingfield clan expansion programme, or stab him with the lovingly crafted shank I keep concealed under my shirt. And my skin.

Pickard concealed weapon

So we were playing tennis one day, and his balls were coming at me, very fast - he's terribly competitive, Lorenzo - and I found that a bit scary, as they were quite big and also hard, and they really hurt when they hit you in the face. But I didn't mind, as it seemed to make Lorenzo very happy.

And after the game was finished, he looked at me with that "special" look in his eye, and we rubbed noses, and the magic sparkle happened, and that was it! Pregnant again!

Pickard sparklechin

The whole thing didn't end well, I have to say. We were riding along in a speedboat, me, Lorenzo and Loretta, our daughter, and he challenged this other boat to a race. As I say, terribly competitive, Lorenzo. I was SO not happy about that.

Pickard aw gawd

And then, well, what happened next wasn't pretty. The other speedboat disappeared behind a bluff, and when they reappeared we were "gone". Let's just say I'm really glad that Loretta was too young to remember.

So, anyway, to cheer me up, my friends took me out the night after the terrible accident. Clubbing. Yay! So I saw a very handsome man sitting up there in the VIP area, and I had an innocent little idea.

Pickard evilplan

Within minutes we were dancing close together. And I mean REALLY close together. Like almost touching, yeah? And then, one minute, I think we must have touched by mistake, because there was the sparkle and one, two, three, who'd have thunk it: I was pregnant!

So I moved into his beach house first thing the next morning.

Pickard bling

He was so good to me. He'd shower me with small furry cardigans and large NB-branded medallions, the round shape of which is, I like to think, representative of a pregnant stomach (a pregnant stomach full of Bedingfields). Sean and I, we were so happy. And then, unexpectedly and annoyingly, he left me. After about 30 seconds. Wandered off with an old man and some suitcases. Never came back.

But I don't care! Because after the necessary confinement period and the birth of my darling little budding singer-songwriter-rapper (Welcome to the world, Shauna Bedingfield! Let's expand the brand!) the most amazing thing happened. Seriously, you'll never believe it.

I met a boy!


And yeah, I know it's not ideal. Yes, he works in a coffee shop. Yes, he's possibly not as genetically pure or strong as some of my other donors, sorry, husbands. But you know how it is: mistakes will happen.

I'd just popped in to pick up a coffee, and, in handing it over, his man-fingers brushed my fertile, lady hand and - pif paf pof! - I, of course, was pregnant!

Pickard electric coffee

But it's all turned out all right. I love him, you know? And with that, I decided to make the deepest symbol of love and commitment I think a Bedingfield can make to a person.

Reader, I took him to our genetic laboratory. Yes, the oft-whispered-of, but never-seen-before, top-secret, Bedingfield-singer-songwriter farm and organic baby repository.

Pickad warehouse

He likes it. He is happy. And even though he's kind of weedy, and kind of weak, and every time I open my mighty mouth the air-pressure vacuum created sucks him toward me like a moth to a Hoover, he'll do. For now.

Pickard sucked in

But me? Why, I'm like a kid in a sweetshop! Like Angelina Jolie in a kidshop!

The Bedingfield clan is growing! No one can stop the mighty power of the Bedingfields! Multi-ethnic, multi-talented, multi-award-winning! We are unstoppable! We are legion! I want that one!

Pickard want THAT one

And plus - I have discovered, by writing a pop song this catchy, and with the repeating refrain "I want to have your babies", I've created a culture in which people who've only been going out a couple of weeks will come out of the shower singing the wrong song, and then they will break up, and there will be more available men whose babies I can have! More babies! Or I may, by subliminal suggestion, be encouraging couples to suddenly have babies! And they'll kind of be MY babies! All the babies! All Bedingfields! And then we'll take over the WORLD!


...and with that, the spirit of Natasha Bedingfield left me, weak, limp and lifeless. Channelling is hard work. Especially someone so bouncy and upbeat and, oh I don't know, fertile.

UK Singles Chart Top 40 Music Videos Updated Weekly

The Official UK Singles Chart : 24.06.2007





1 1 6

Rihanna ft Jay-Z


(Def Jam)

2 18 2

Lee Mead

Any Dream Will Do


3 3 4

Enrique Iglesias

Do You Know


4 6 4

Calvin Harris

The Girls


5 4 3

Kelly Rowland Ft Eve

Like This


6 2 3

White Stripes

Icky Thump

(XL Recordings)

7 30 2


Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors


8 8 12

Beyonce & Shakira

Beautiful Liar


9 7 12

Gym Class Heroes

Cupid's Chokehold

(Decay Dance/Fueled By)

10 9 2

Kelly Clarkson

Never Again