Saturday, 18 August 2007
Lee Mead "Any Dream Will Do" Rapidshare Music Video MV/試聴 視聴 mp3 PV 動画 映画 歌詞/뮤직 비디오/동영상

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'Any Dream Will Do' is the title track from the musical 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat' and the debut single from Lee Mead. Lee won the chance to play Joseph in a new stage production of the hit musical on the BBC1 reality TV show 'Any Dream Will Do'. He beat thousands of other hopefuls and now he's hoping to top the pop charts.
Lee has a fantastic voice and he really gets to show it off on this record. The CD also includes 'Close Every Door' - performed by Lee and fellow Joseph finalists Lewis Bradley and Keith Jack. It's for a good cause too - all money made from the single will go to Children in Need.
Have your brother or sister ever been jealous of you because your parents gave you too much attention? Well, Joseph's situation is a bit worse. He's had dreams of great things in his future but his brothers are so jealous of his amazing coat and their father favouring him that they sell him off as a slave!
"Far, far away, someone was weeping, but the world was sleeping. Any dream will do." It's all about his dreams of a better life. The song has been released before but it's certainly different to anything else in the chart right now.
You might not want it in there but chances are you've probably already had it stuck in your head since 'Any Dream Will Do' started anyway.
Lee is a great singer but this track is nothing you couldn't find in your mum and dad's old CD collection. Still.. around three million people voted in the final of 'Any Dream Will Do' so we're sure it's bound to find chart success.

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