Monday, 8 October 2007
Ludacris "Slap" Rapidshare Music Video MV/試聴 視聴 mp3 PV 動画 映画 歌詞/뮤직 비디오/동영상
First word that comes to mind:Ludicrous!
Video Review: video goes well with the song. I don't have much of a problem with the video.The video does justice to the lyrics of the song.
Video Review: video goes well with the song. I don't have much of a problem with the video.The video does justice to the lyrics of the song.
Song review:Ludicrous!!One of the worst songs he has made to date. What in chocolate hell?Why,Ludricous? I can see where he was trying to go with this slap music video and song,but i cannot understand why. For one, the beat is all wrong and the words are so provoking. The lyrics alone,"I feel like slapping somebody today," says it all. This slap song may very well become the anthem for many people who feel like "killing their boss" or just plain "slapping someone", but i do not endorse it. I find that the lyrics are ludricous and riduculous. I expected so much from the grammy nominated rapper.
Rating:Must i rate this video?1 Hershey Kiss
Rating:Must i rate this video?1 Hershey Kiss
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