Sunday, 16 September 2007
Andy Lewis & Paul Weller "Are You Trying To Be Lonely?" Rapidshare Music Video&Lyrics

You'd be hard-pressed to see Lewis' influence on Are You Trying To Be Lonely though. This sounds first and foremost like a Weller record, albeit one from the good old days of Wild Wood. There's a great brass section, it rolls along beautifully, but it all feels a bit, well, pointless. Weller fans will buy it, everyone else will probably ignore it.
Of far more interest are White's solo efforts on the other tracks on the CD - the hypnotic bounce of Tell Me Once Again You Love Me, which sounds like early Blur, and the retro funk instrumental of The Lazuli Affair. If Lewis had exerted more of his own sound on the lead track, then we could have had a great single on our hands. As it is, one for the Modfather completists, sadly.

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