Saturday, 15 September 2007
Jimmy Eat World "Big Casino" Rapidshare Music Video

Was three years too long to wait for a new Jimmy Eat World LP? Or too little? Tough to say on the little we've heard from it, but the J.E.W. crew have been a busy-touring bunch of late, hitting far away lands in prep for the launch of Chase This Light, out this fall on Interscope. Butch Vig is on production, and he says the record is "quite eclectic. There are three or four songs that sound like classic Jimmy Eat World, with angular, razor-sharp guitars. There are a couple that are a lot more dreamy, and some that are very groove-acious." Guess the first single, "Big Casino," falls somewhere between those razor-sharp guitars and groove-aciousness. Though Butch needed to throw radio pop-rock-y in there. You can listen to some of the track at MySpace. (And apparently JIm's currently listening to Kala).
Yeah, pretty shitty how it turns into a weird commercial for the record half way through. To console yourself, remember the good times...
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