Sunday, 16 September 2007
Reverend and The Makers "He Said He Loved Me" Rapidshare Music Video&Lyrics

FOLLOWING the modest success of their debut single, Heavyweight Champion of the World, Sheffield’s Reverend and the Makers return with their own unique brand of upbeat indie funk.
Frontman Jon McClure’s biting socio-cynicism has helped the Reverends to become one of the most dangerous - and exciting - bands to have grace the conservative commercial charts for some time.
But where the sense of working-class disillusionment and personal regret is ultimately overcome in their debut, Reverend and the Makers’ latest offering, He Said He Loved Me, remains stuck in a self-induced quagmire of domesticity and boredom.
Satire undoubtedly remains the band’s most powerful form of attack, but any lasting message is conclusively lost behind singer Laura Manuel’s crude ‘mockney’ vocal line, and this unfortunately leaves the nasty impression that the Reverends are simply jumping on the Lily Allen/Kate Nash bandwagon.
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