Sunday, 16 September 2007
James Blunt "1973" Rapidshare Music Video&Lyrics

Blunt, it's fair to say, inspires a love or hate reaction. For this listener at the moment I'm afraid it's the latter. There remains something extremely smarmy about his vocal delivery, and it feels like he's been on the helium again as he mulls over the fact that Simona's getting older. "Wish I was sober so I could see clearly now the rain has gone" he sings. Something we don't know perhaps?
The inoffensive if rather lumpen backing track swells with a Hammond organ as he muses further, leading onward to a chorus that, for all we try to deny it, catches on rather too easily. "And as time goes by I will always be in a club with you in 1973, singing here we go again". Well perhaps someone should take him back there sharpish, before the new album arrives and we have to hear more.

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