Sunday, 16 September 2007
Hi-Tack "Let's Dance" Rapidshare Music Video
Surprisingly, they've decided against updating Chris Rea's Number 12 smash from 1987 (wonder why?).
No, instead they've decided to take on some bloke called David Bowie or something, I dunno, he'll never get anywhere with a daft name like that. Apparently he had a hit with a song called Let's Dance back in the early 80s, but surely if it was that good it'd be on every 1980s compilation going, wouldn't it?
Sarcasm aside, let's be honest, if you're going to cover any Bowie song released after Ashes To Ashes, the chances are very high that it'd be Let's Dance, mainly because it is such a good song and partly because... well, can you name any others? Rather handily, Hi-Tack have worked this out too, and they've kept the song almost completely intact.
Yeah, they've beefed it up a bit and given it go-faster stripes and stuff, but the tune's still there and so are most of the vocals. In fact, there's so much Bowie on this song that if you ask me this probably should've been listed as a David Bowie remix.
Doesn't matter in the end though, the song's good and that's what really counts.

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